Posted by Pharago on 2018/03/18 21:55 Tags: fpsc

The Fpsc Engine Configuration Utility is ready, and it will be included with the new installation package, along with all the libraries that are needed to make the engine work with most directx games.

The program is meant to facilitate the installation of the engine on all supported games, it contains the logic to recognize and remove old and new versions and install the latest in its place using the correct proxy library for each game.

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Posted by Pharago on 2018/02/19 22:47 Tags: dead-space, dead-space1, directx9

First things first, this is the link to Origin's page.

For a limited time only, Dead Space gets a nice...

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Posted by Pharago on 2017/02/12 09:23 Tags: fallout, falloutnv, directx9

First things first, if you still haven't bought the game, this is a link to its Steam page.

All the fpsc options are available in Fallout New Vegas since version 4.0.

Another great game from Bethesda.

It follows the adventures of Courier Six, a guy that should be...(Read more)